In case you didn’t know it already, September 21, 2018 marks Kareena Kapoor Khan’s 38th birthday. And last night, both the Kapoor and Khan families came together to celebrate the occasion with the sweetest little house party. Look back at their many celebrations, and you’ll realise that the Kapoor sisters have always been pros at bringing in birthdays with a bang. When Karisma Kapoor turned 44 this year, the siblings marked the big day with a family picnic at London’s Hyde Park, and when Taimur Ali Khan Pataudi completed one year, pictures from the his star-studded birthday festivities at the Pataudi Palace immediately took over the internet. So what went down on the eve of Kareena Kapoor Khan’s birthday last night? Read on to find out.
Kareena Kapoor Khan’s house party was every birthday girl’s dream come true
To mark her 38th birthday this year, Kareena Kapoor Khan opted for a cosy get-together with her favourite people at her Mumbai residence, Fortune Heights. There to celebrate her big day were parents Babita and Randhir Kapoor, husband Saif Ali Khan, sister Karisma Kapoor and cousins Shaira and Zahan Kapoor, along with Soha Ali Khan Pataudi and Kunal Kemmu. For the get-together, the actor’s Bandra apartment was decked out with pink and silver balloons, along with a few fun champagne bottle balloons. And Khan’s guests also added to the celebratory mood with pink and white party hats and matching birthday whistles.
You can’t miss out on Kareena Kapoor Khan’s dramatic birthday cake
Despite not having an official social media account, Kareena Kapoor Khan is a trendsetter. And this year, her birthday cake was decorated to reflect her superstar personality. Made by Mumbai bakery Love Sugar & Dough, the silver cake matched Khan’s party balloons perfectly, and was mounted with a glittering sign that read ‘Happy Birthday Bebo’. Perched on top of the cake was a fondant miniature of the star herself, dressed in a cut-out black evening gown with a glass of wine in hand. If her outfit looks familiar to you, it’s because you’ve seen Khan wearing the exact same gown earlier this week for an ad shoot.
Kareena Kapoor Khan keeps her birthday look casual, yet cool
A self-confessed T-shirt and jeans girl, Kareena Kapoor Khan brought in her birthday in her go-to outfit. This year, the slogan tee loyalist cut her cake in a Gucci T-shirt printed with the artwork of “Someone Saved My Life Tonight”, an Elton John song from the album Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy. It comes as no surprise that Khan picked a tee that looks back to music from the ’70s, as husband Saif Ali Khan is a big fan of classics from the yesteryears. Khan tucked her T-shirt into a pair of perfectly tailored denims, and completed her at-home party look with nude wedges. Sister Karisma Kapoor coordinated her look with the birthday girl’s, wearing her wide-legged jeans with a black T-shirt. One of the sweetest pictures from the evening was that of the siblings posing with their mom Babita Kapoor between them.
Missed all the excitement from Kareena Kapoor Khan’s midnight celebration? Scroll on to catch up on everything now.
Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan
Family fun ❤ #birthdaygirl #bebo #ourrockstar 🌟 #lafamilia
Family fun ❤ #birthdaygirl #bebo #ourrockstar 🌟 #lafamilia